Saturday, December 16, 2006

WHat da hEll?

Aku tol² benci ngan org yg sker susahkan idop aku..tolong ah..i suffer enough..aku ngade² ??? s*** ar! huUuh.. lek².. pls ar..aku xley nak wt smua org sker aku.. if u like me, pls like me for who i am.. dont expect me to be exactly as u want.. i am who i am..n that what make ppl different from each other..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

AnOther MENU =)

My "ikan sembilang masak tempoyak" was delicious ! I thenk my brothers cannot tell weither it was my mom's cooking @ MINE ! Lookin 4ward 2 cook new dishes ^^ even b4 dis i dont lyke to cook. Huhu.

p/s Another step to become a wife.Muahahaha

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Masak @ DriviNG @ KejE ?

Gewd. Aku ader byk gler keje nak kena settle.. masak? dlm proses. juz made "ayam berlada" for lunch. nyummy! driving? still hvnt start on that yet.. kna soh adek ajar lor. better yet,ask mama. keje lak..x tw jd ke x nak keje ngan abg aren.. hem.. better ask him quick. even im not really a 8 - 5 pm person.. hey, i need money for living,okie? DuhH~ I can do it~!!!


OMG.. I'm so bloody bored rite now..patutnye g gentng tp pja x dpt lak kol Ms sad.. aku dh terbyg² rollercoster and everythg else! gath g jB pon x jadik cz smua bzzzzzzz.. its hard being an adult.. sumbody gv me jobs to do! I need money! LIfe is sOOo boRed!

H.U.R.T. ??

Penah dikecewakn? Penah clash? Penah sayang sum1 sgt2 tp then they lie to you? well,i have. penah dengar lagu nirina : hari ini,esok & seterusnye? a very meaningful song to me.. bile dkecewakn,kdg2 kite rase dunia x adil..rase nak mati..rase nak campak smua brg yg ade..[neyh dr persepsi smua org kay..] tp nape kna rase camtu? segan? psl bgtw dye yg kite sker dye? so what? biar lah dye tw.if he doesnt care enough how u feel,then he's not the rite one for ya.. forget him & move on! well,easy to say than done,rite? aku pon ngah mengalami da same feeling rite now..rase sedey..kecewa..hurt.. nak lepas xley..aku bkn jns mengamok² neyh..aku mampu nanges jer ble sedey..saat² neyh tbayang muke² org yg aku penah kecewakan.. this is how it felt to be hurt? aku xtau ape itu setia + kejujuran cz ble aku syg gler² kat sum1,he lied. wut is love also? juz to get hurt? i dunt think so.. why been in love if u know u gonna hurt ?? well,that what people call taking a chance + risk. life wont be fun without risk,sometimes.. im hurt..but im still alive..and im grateful for that..juz the words "i never like u more than a friend,i treat you not more than a friend,so how can u say u like me?" that is sooo hurtful..its feel like he doesnt really care ur existence. if i die,i dont think he will care enough to visit my grave.. its hurt..its sad..but its LIFE.. i cry when im sad.i on9 when im sad.i cannot sleep + eat when im sad and thats suxx. im still hurt.its hurt enough to think that sum1 you really like dont even bother that ur alive.. its hurt..


Love..a feeling that everybody wanna experience..when ur in love,everything seems like ur in heaven..but when something is wrong..its a DISASTER ! Well,you can't expect everything to be exactly as u desire cz this is LIFE . People get hurt easily when it comes to love. Do you find your love? But,not juz love for men ya know..Like one of my best best friend said.."cintakan bunge,bunge kan layu..cintakan manusia,manusia kan mati..cintakan Allah,kekal abadi.." bile kite sayang kat sum1, xder reason yg khusus..[ini dibangkang sekeras-kerasnye oleh saudara syed fadhil] well,everybody hv their own opinion,rite? ade yang berchenta utk bergumbira..ade yang berchenta dengan niat nk mengejar cinta hakiki..ade yang berchenta utk meleraikan duka dan lara..mcm² ragam manusia..for me..i dunt know..i dunt know wut is LOVE . i dunt know wut is HONESTY . And i dunt know wut is LOYALTY . Can someone help me and show me the light??